

Hey, this is Laura Spears, the lucky winner who had purchased a Mega Millions ticket on the Michigan Lottery website for the December 31, 2021, drawing. I matched five numbers to win $1 million, plus had the Megaplier to multiply her prize by three making a total of $3million.

I saw an ad on Facebook that the Mega Millions jackpot was getting pretty high, so I got on my account and bought a ticket," Spears, 55, told Michigan Lottery officials. "A few days later, I was looking for a missing email from someone, so I checked the spam folder in my email account.

That's when I saw an email from the lottery saying I won a prize. I couldn't believe what I was reading, so I logged in to my lottery account to confirm the message in my email. It's all still so shocking to me that I really won $3 million.

Below is my article about my win that was almost lost in my spam.

The same way I was lucky, I decided to grant you the sum of $400,000 each, So if you are the owner of this email, congratulations" if you got this email, It means you have been chosen randomly, Quickly fill out this information below and send it to me so my associates can prepare your gift.

Full name;
Phone number;
ID card

You will get a swift response from my associates on how to proceed with acquiring and accepting this gift once your details have been received.

Best regards

Laura Spears.

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Hey, this is Laura Spears, the lucky winner who had purchased a Mega Millions ticket on the Michigan Lottery website in the December 31, 2021, drawing. I matched five numbers to win $1 million, plus had the Megaplier to multiply her prize by three making a total of $3million.

I saw an ad on Facebook that the Mega Millions jackpot was getting pretty high, so I got on my account and bought a ticket," Spears, 55, told Michigan Lottery officials. "A few days later, I was looking for a missing email from someone, so I checked the spam folder in my email account.

That's when I saw an email from the lottery saying I won a prize. I couldn't believe what I was reading, so I logged in to my lottery account to confirm the message in my email. It's all still so shocking to me that I really won $3 million.

Below is my article about my win that was almost lost in my spam.

The same way I was lucky, I decided to grant you the sum of $400,000 each, So if you are the owner of this email, congratulations" if you got this email, It means you have been chosen randomly, Quickly fill out this information below and send it to me so my associates can prepare your gift.

Full name;
Phone number;
ID card

You will get a swift response from my associates on how to proceed with acquiring and accepting this gift once your details have been received.

Best regards

Laura Spears.

[24+] Coupe Branchée - B E G O Ñ A V A R G A S on Instagram: �..



Sie haben von der John Travolta Foundation eine Spende in Höhe von fünfhunderttausend USD (500.000 $) erhalten. Kontaktieren Sie die Schadensabteilung unter mit dem Code JTF02304, um Ihre Spende zu tätigen. John Travolta Foundation



Een van onze leden stuurde u deze brief een maand geleden, maar we hebben niets van u gehoord en ik weet niet zeker of u hem hebt ontvangen, dus herhaal ik het: Ten eerste ben ik mevrouw Bacci Antonella, uitvoerend directeur en voorzitter van de Verenigde Naties (VN).

De voorzitter en het bestuursorgaan van de Monetaire Eenheid van de Verenigde Naties hebben ons gevraagd om onderzoek te doen naar de niet-opgeëiste fondsen die aan u toebehoren en die zijn gestort in de database van de VN-regering, die fraudeurs gebruiken onder de naam van de Verenigde Naties om mensen in verwarring te brengen en hun geld van hen af ​​te pakken. Tijdens ons onderzoek werd vastgesteld dat uw niet-opgeëiste fondsen tot een lijst van 150 ontvangers behoorden, die als volgt waren gecategoriseerd: slachtoffers van internetfraude, niet-geleverde erfenis- en contractfondsen, onvolledige overdracht van erfenis, contractfondsen, slachtoffers van kredietfraude, loterijfondsen, enz.

In samenhang met de accountantsrapporten die naar de afdeling Rekeningen van de Verenigde Naties zijn gestuurd, is uw betalingsbestand doorgestuurd naar dit kantoor om een ​​onmiddellijke overschrijving van $ 500.000,00 naar uw bankrekening te initiëren, ter compensatie van uw ingehouden fondsen. Het accountantsrapport toont aan dat u moeite hebt gehad om de fondsen op uw bankrekening te zien verschijnen vanwege vertragingen door dubieuze functionarissen.

Wij adviseren u daarom om geen verdere correspondentie aan te gaan met functionarissen of personen buiten dit kantoor, aangezien u aan de voorwaarden voor de overschrijving van fondsen hebt voldaan.

Als u onze instructies opvolgt, wordt de compensatie van $ 500.000,00 binnen de volgende drie (3) werkdagen op uw bankrekening bijgeschreven en worden kopieën van de goedkeuringsdocumenten voor de overdracht naar u en uw bankinstellingen gestuurd ter bevestiging.

Neem vandaag nog contact op met mevrouw Bacci Antonella voor de onmiddellijke overdracht van de $ 500.000,00 naar uw bankrekening en laat haar weten hoe ze uw geld kan aanvragen.

Contactpersoon: mevrouw Bacci Antonella


LET OP: alle correspondentie met mevrouw Bacci Antonella moet het referentienummer bevatten: Ref: UNDR/EFD550/SE, samen met uw volledige naam en telefoonnummer, zodat deze snel kan worden verwerkt.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Mevrouw Bacci Antonella
Grant Disbursement Officer - UNDP

Compensation Fund.

Dear Friend,

I'm Mrs. Mary Price, I'm a US citizen and I'm 52 years old. I reside here at 6460 Ruleton Avenue Goodland, Kansas 67735, and I'm thinking of relocating since I'm filthy rich.

I'm one of those that took part in a compensation award many years ago and they refused to pay me. I had paid over $25,000 USD while in the US, trying to get my payment but all was to no avail.

So I decided to take a trip to WASHINGTON D.C with all my compensation documents, and I was directed to contact the (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, who is a representative of the (FBI) and also, a member of the COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE currently in USA, I contacted him and he explained everything to me, He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake. He also took me to the paying bank for the claim of my compensation payment.

Right now, I'm the happiest woman on earth because I have received my compensation funds of (US$5,000,000.00.) Moreover, Mr. Christopher A. Wray, showed me the few beneficiaries of those that are yet to receive their payments and I saw your email as one of the beneficiaries who haven't yet received the payment under CASE FILE 54AC003 and that is why I decided to email you.

Therefore, I will advise you to contact the Director of FBI, Mr. Christopher A. Wray for assistance and inform him that your CASE FILE is 54AC003 so that he can help you too. So please take note that Director Christopher Wray shall ensure that you deal directly with the paying bank.

I will advise you to contact Director Christopher Wray directly via the information below.


Name: Mr. Christopher A. Wray
Telephone Number: 402-986-4387

You are hereby advised to contact Director Christopher Wray with the following information below.

1. Your Names in Full
2. Your Occupation
3. Your Residential Address
4. Your Place and date of birth
5. Your Telephone and fax Number
6. Your ID card for proper identification

You need to stop dealing with those people who're telling you that your fund is with them because they are not with your fund; they are only making money from you. The only money I paid after I met the Director of the FBI, Mr. Christopher Wray was $150 dollars for the procurement of the ownership paperwork that will enhance the immediate release of $5,000,000.00 by the paying bank.

Once again stop contacting those people. I will advise that you contact the Director of FBI, Mr. Christopher Wray so that he can help you in the collection of your transfer payment instead of dealing with those liars that will be turning you around asking for different kinds of money to complete your transaction.

I await your urgent response.

Thank you,

Mrs. Mary Price